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How to get a Venezia Unica City Pass
With Venezia Unica City Pass frequent visitors to the city can access public transport and other services such as car sharing, bike sharing, car parking in the Autorimessa Comunale (Municipal car garage) in Piazzale Roma, museum entry and so much more.
For more details about the Venezia Unica services click here
For holders of expired Venezia Unica passes and for new customers
Get or renew a Venezia Unica City Pass from one of the authorised Sales and Collection Points. In the list of ticket offices select those with the service “Venezia Unica cards”: Tronchetto Agenzia, Piazzale Roma Agenzia, Rialto (Actv C-D waterbus stop), Lido Santa Maria Elisabetta, Burano, Punta Sabbioni, Mestre Piazzale Cialdini, Dolo, Sottomarina.
>>Remember to bring valid ID with you (ID card, passport, driver’s license).
For public transport at special rates (students, workers, etc.) additional documents may be required
In the event of a minor, the contract must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Renewal/activation of Venezia Unica for others
Those who are unable to go personally to one of the authorised Venezia Unica sales and collection points can download, fill in and print one of the following forms at home clicking here
The delegated person must bring the following to the ticket office:
- filled in form(s) signed by the applicant;
- copy of applicant’s valid ID;
- the applicant’s hand-written proxy to the delegated person authorising him/her to submit the Venezia Unica contract and/or activate the Actv public transport service.